Goldenberry Farms Receives GLOBAL GAP Certification

Goldenberry Farms joins top tier Global Producers with Global GAP and GRASP Standards in place.

April 5, 2021 - Goldenberry Farms SAS is proud to announce their Global GAP accreditation. Global G.A.P. is a farm assurance program, translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice. Farms and producers must adhere to stringent standards for workplace safety, training, best practices, chemical use and storage, reporting, employee protocols, and more.

Over 200 points of control are evaluated and considered prior to approving a farm with Global GAP Certifications. Careful consideration is given to field use, water reclamation, and overall best practices. Environment, including biodiversity are all considered with a Global GAP evaluation.

Overall, the primary areas of focus include Food Safety, Traceability, Quality Assurance, Workers’ Occupational Health & Safety, Site Management, Soil Management, Fertilizer Application Management, Integrated Pest Management, Plant Protection Products Management, and Water Management.

GLOBAL G.A.P. is a private organization which establishes voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products worldwide.


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